On Saturday, 10th May 2014, a talk on Automated Waste Collection System (AWCS) by Stream Environment Sdn Bhd has been organized at PAM Sabah Mini Auditorium. The speaker was Ir. Chea Thean Teik, the General Manager of Stream Environment Sdn Bhd. Ir. Chea is a qualified Professional Engineer (Mechanical) with over 19 years’ experience in Building’s M&E services, Mechanical Handling Engineering, Project Management, Central Vacuum Systems and Automated Waste Collection Systems.
Automated Waste Collection System (AWCS) is an environmental technology offering city grade piped infrastructure for municipal solid waste transport system via vacuum technology. Ir. Chea presented the latest method of transporting solid waste through sealed network of pipes and stored in sealed container at a Central Waste Handling Facility (or Bin Centre) within the development or even several kilometers away. This process enhances the garbage collection process to improve urban living and working environment.
AWCS addressed two key concern areas in Municipal Solid Waste Management – Waste Collection & Storage and Waste Transportation. The AWCS system is envisioned to be adopted as the standard way of handling waste for all new development, similar to other utilities such as water, sewerage, gas and power.
This was not a first time Ir. Chea did a talk for Stream Environment Sdn Bhd at PAM Sabah. He conducted a similar talk previously on 24th November 2012. Ar. Morris Bisoni introduced him before the talk, which began at 9.30 am. There were 22 attendees comprising professional architects, architectural graduates and students from Cosmopoint College. The talk finished at 11.30 am with lunch served.